Dear Pinky
All your ideas sound wonderful and  appropriate it is important to show NMAP as it is about women's choice for continuity of evidence based care, not homebirth and use of the word sadly makes so many people irrational
So go to it  Vicki and Nic !
Denise Hynd
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 10:21 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Birth ads

Hi Liz,
I am a trained advertising copywriter (I have done weekend workshops with some of the top creative directors in Melbourne -with a two year old on my breast - most of these guys were more familiar with the association between breasts and fast cars!) - Yes I can help - my time is very limited but I can take on small chunks and am happy to pass on contacts.
I was invited on GMA for an interview this doesnt cost at all -although they have a system where you can pay $3000 for an interview -I have costings for ads in an elusive notebook - they charge per state on a sliding scale so a national ad is a multiple of state prices - Sydney is more expensive with WA and Q less expensive, but around $200 per state per 30 second ad -  Birthing is a non commercial issue but we need something to pin it on - they arent a current affair show so wont be involved in politics and probably like to think they are not having rabid "birth nazis" on their show. I reckon we could get Nic and Vicki on if GMA was simply sent a copy of their video with a good press release and followup. I am happy to talk to the producer if they are happy to be interviewed!!! They will get about 3 minutes if it comes off - better than 30 seconds!!
Then if this comes off - any money raised / sponsorship for an ad can be put towards an ad - TWO bites of the cherry!
Do you want me to go ahead and contact the producer? -Vicki are you ready for an interview re midwifery and your and Nics work helping women enjoy birth in this technological age - I think a fairly 'mainstream' approach would be all you will get on Bert - he is a nice interviewer but conservative and wouldnt be out to create controversy  -his women producers are older first time mothers who were probably epiduralled then back to work quite early. The In Union video footage would be a lovely reinforcer for a piece highlighting NMAP and womens choices/the benefits of having your 'own' midwife - not necessarily at home -(Slide all that in sideways around an interview about the video if that is the only way to get it on)  - To get on TV/ in the media - it needs to affect a majority or be sensational (ie ACA who only want sensation and edit/ alter the context of anything said during a pre-recorded interview).
It also helps to have a website to refer women to for further info.

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