Title: Message
Yesterday I heard about a woman who birthed recently. She arrived at hospital already 5cm dilated after just having a 'show' at home. She was pressured into having an ARM to 'get things moving along' (?!?!). This was her first baby and he was born with the aid of forceps (after a failed vacuum extraction) just four hours later for failure to progress! There was no fetal distress prior to the birth but her baby needed resuscitation and went 'battered & bruised' to the nursery. She was told that if her baby had gone to term (he was 10 days 'early') he would have died because the cord was around his neck! The woman developed an infection and is having breastfeeding problems.
Needless to say she wants a homebirth if there is a next time.
Vicki's right...it is tragic : (
Andrea B
----- Original Message -----
From: Vicki Chan
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 12:37 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] another horror story

A woman I spoke to yesterday spoke of her starstruck obstetrician being overly excited about the celeb status of her husband...her  labour was rocking along beautifully but it didnt look like hubby would make it for the birth...the ob arranged for her to have an epidural which rendered her incapacitated when her husband finally made it... no problem! that's why God invented Vacuum  Extractors!! Her first babe she'd managed to birth unaided. Tragic!
We could (and will, no doubt) go on!

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