I suggest tjhat you allow her to be angry and to vent her pain and her anger towards those who caused it.   Support her in complaining to the hospital and insisting upon answers as lame as they may be.  If she were to ask why was the induction needed?  Was the baby in distress (at the time of the first insertion of gel - a horrible substance called prostin made from Pig seamen.
Lovely!) Was her placenta failing?  What was the indication that at 10 days over she needed to be induced anyway?
Then once they have wormed out of that she should ask for explanations as to why all of the intervention and what caused it and why was it all needed.
Give her lots of love and support to do this as nothing will change and it will keep happening unless women are encouraged to complain and conplain and complain! 
Even if she personally gets little satisfaction fron the complaint it is just one more brick to add - eventually we will built a wall to protect women from this - brick by brick.
You need to complain first to the registra at the hospital but at the same time go directly to the medical practitioners board and make sure it outlines that the initial induction was not called for and the following intervention could have been avoided.  Also any poor bedside manner should be outlines clearly if they were rude to her which it seems they were not supportive and gentle from your description.
I wish her love and luck in her recovery - if she needs someone to talk to you are welcome to give her my email.
The problem is this happens every day and it is not looked at as torture or as something that needs to be changed.  The only way it will be seen as a problem is if they are inundated with complaints about this sort of thing.
I am so angry for her - it just shpuld not happen and make sure she knows she is right to be upset because it is not a fault with her body and it is not that it just happens - it should not have happened to her.  Make sure she knows why it was not necessary and why it should not have happened. 
-------Original Message-------
Date: Thursday, November 07, 2002 14:44:32
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Interesting fact
Whew, Rhonda.
I heard this morning from a friend about a friend of hers, aged 19, whose baby was 10 days late; ob insisted on inducing with gel, nothing much happening, into hosp., more drugs, foetal monitoring, on her back, strapped down to bed, more drugs, epidural, more of same, enormous episiotomy, cut artery, blood gushing in spurts, vacuum to head, two big men hauling as though it was a tug-of-war, massive lump on baby's head accompanied by ring of scars, she's stitched up, off her face, baby won't wake up, won't feed, she's being pumped every six hours for milk which they're somehow force feeding to baby. but hey, at least she's ok and the baby's ok, they tell her, and she repeats as she recovers from her torture. Yes, it's happening under our noses. In Adelaide, November, 2002.
...and I'm screaming inside for women and children...who are our future.
----- Original Message -----
From: Rhonda
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 1:05 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Interesting fact

Well Megan,
I guess the only way to really understand is this..
I can honestly and acceptingly say (as I cannot change what has happened and I have dealt with it in my own way)
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