Title: Message
Ta, Vicki! they're very happy. By the way, there's an EXTREMELY useful, and easy, swift move with the Bowen technique that clears breast tenderness. It's also been known to make breast lumps disappear. In fact, it was discovering a lump that made me go to doctor, who sent me for breast-squash, which was unsuccessful and I went for the ultrasound. Anyway, once I'd seen the doctor and she'd referred me, I did the breast moves a few times. By the time I had the mammaries checked by the techoheads, there was no sign of the lump. Mine is not the only such case. When I give my courses that I'm still thinking up, I'll include those moves. The syllabus is growing!
Love to all...and congratulations to those of you who've reported the beautiful birth experiences.
Aviva (& R & S)
----- Original Message -----
From: Vicki Chan
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 11:34 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Ode to a mammogram

I had my first and last mammgram 14 years ago to check em out after recurrent breast infections only to be told...oh, its too soon after finishing breast feeding...come back in a few months time. Like Hell! Never never again!!
Regards to Ruby and Sonja!

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