Dear Sandra,
My sister had her baby at a large public hospital in QLD just 4 months ago.  I discussed many things with her prior to birth & Hep B vaccine was one of them.  As a result she chose not to have her baby vaccinated at birth.  She was made to feel like a "bad" mother at every turn & this coupled with poor breastfeeding management, poor communication & compassion by staff, & traumatic birth experience she ended up with postnatal depression. (sorry off the topic there for a minute).  Anyway, when she went for her 6 week check-up with her GP she asked when the best time to start Hep B immunisation would be (from now on).  Her GP rudely told her that it was too late because she hadn't had it at birth... this distressed her even more in her depressed state.  Just another way of belittling her as a mother.
Also, on the point of some of the effects such as irritability & going of food etc. I wonder how some parents cope when going home after having this injection... I say this with regards to one hospital that I can think of that gives the Hep B at same time as NNST which is usually day of discharge.   
Hope I'm making sence with my tired pregnant brain (BABY NO. 4 DUE TOMORROW - BUT HAPPY TO GO OVER A WEEK OR THREE).
Tina H.

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