From a "consumer's" point of view - this vaccine has me stumped!  It was introduced "between" my two babies' births and since I couldn't see the point of it, and could only see disadvantages in it, I refused it.  No drams at all in hospital, but I have had comment from a GP since, but was water off a duck's back as far as I'm concerned.  It utterly beats me as to why it was introduced at such an early age.  I guess if there are identifiable risk factors then perhaps there's a point, but those factors would surely, even in this day and age, be present in the vast minority of newborns' lives.  From what I can gather this disease is as "hard" to get as AIDS.  And it's probably a fair bet that when that vaccine is perfected it will be stuck straight into everyone as soon as they see daylight too.  How ridiculous!
My brother and SIL has had their 1st bub last November, and have also had comment from the local council vaccination mob about their daughter "missing" the newborn Hep B jab.  I don't think they want to let anyone that "gets away" go unscathed...

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