Hi Everyone,
I remember seeing a tv program recently on heelpricks saying that the cards
were kept in storage for 7 years. In this program the the police obtained
the DNA from one child's heelprick to be used in the successful
identification of the sexual abuser of the child who happened to be a member
of the family. I can't remember how it was done.  That seems to be another
way that the information from heelpricks can be used. I wonder if parents
are even vaguely aware? Do we need to be more aware, afterall, surely
parents need to be informed about how else the heel prick test can be used
before giving consent. Who knows how else the blood could be used especially
if it were to become compulsory?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Julie Garratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Compulsory heelpricks for newborns plea - MJA

> Hi all,
> My understanding is that the body of Jayden Leskey was identified using
> the DNA from his heel prick test. Apparently the police can have access
> to the information in exceptional cases. Makes you wonder about how else
> this information could be used in the future doesn't it!
> Julie Garratt (:
> >.
> >
>> >> > >
> >
> <.

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