Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] closure of Moorabin birth centre (Melbourne)

And we wonder why so many women are now turning back to home births. Who can blame them.


Gee Diane

I’d congratulate women  for seeking best practice midwifery care through homebirth, shame these women have to pay for it themselves and also pay for the elective ceasers too (via their taxes to private health insurance etc!) There is no equity in maternity services.  Australian birth centres are sadly a poor compromise of midwifery to obstetrics, and while they continue to be managed by the acute (read sick) sector and stay as tack-ons to tertiary units there is little hope for access to true midwifery and women enjoying good outcomes.  The Victorian Government is like most others weak and pathetic, too scared to take on the huge power base of the medicos.  Women really need to fight hard for this one, because without a considerable backlash I see more centralisation and more suffering for women and families. Perhaps this seemingly backward step is the opportunity we need to harness the normally apathetic mass of women that don’t think they can make a difference.

Join the Maternity Coalition’s campaign we can make a difference but we need as many out there as possible!


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