Are all or at least some of the disheartened midwives and those in the community combining or joining MC to add to the existing ground swell to change the vested situation in Melbourne ? ??
Like a rope it is stronger and can move heavier (in this case more entrenched loads) the more twines which combine to create the total pull??
----- Original Message -----
From: sally
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] closure of Moorabin birth centre (Melbourne)

In response to these postings.
I just want to let you know how difficult the midwives who work at Clayton are finding these changes.
We are working under considerable pressure and feeling frustrated and sad that women are now faced with such awful birth experiences.
Many of the midwives from Moorabbin chose not to come to Clayton, a very sad indictment of how they feel about the system there. 
I know there is a great deal of anger withing the community, but please be aware that there are many midwives here that feel the same way as you.

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