OMG!!!  This is terrible!!!!  How dare they!

I so hope your sister has the strength when things settle down to follow
this up and take action against these idiots.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Abby and Toby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 10:33 PM
Subject: Abuse of power!! Re: [ozmidwifery] URGENT INFO NEEDED

> > The phototherapy equipment is often on wheels - the baby can be given
> > phototherapy but be in the same room as mum. In fact, in most places the
> > equipment is available for hire and mum can give at home.
> > Good luck.
> > Nikki Macfarlane
> > Director, Childbirth International
> >
> I wish we had known all that Nikki.................
> I know this sounds unbelieveable but it is all true. I don't know exact
> times.
> After a very tiring day, my sis finally decided to leave Jamies side at
> about 9:30pm when BIL took Aiden(other son) home. Sis was giving Jamie a
> feed before she went to bed. During the feed along came a nurse who told
> to stop because a "doctor" wanted to speak with her. She said she wouldn't
> stop feeding him but would talk to the doctor when she had finished.
> She went out of the nursery and to the room where her bed was set up. She
> wasn't admitted as a patient, but they provided her with a bed. Outside
> room were two men and a wheel chair and inside were the doctor, a midwife
> and the head of the nursing unit.
> The doc started asking questions about psychosis, without even telling her
> who he was, and when she asked he said he was a psychiatrist. She grabbed
> the phone and rang my mum while he was telling her not to call anyone. By
> this stage it was past 10pm. He got on the phone to my mum saying that he
> was going to admit Sis to the psych ward as an involuntary and unwilling
> patient. My mum told him if he did he would end up there! LOL! My mum is
> good value! They told Sis that if she put up a fight they would sedate
> It seemed like they had waited till everyone had left before they
> Sis.
> My mum arrived in 5 mins and then BIL arrived in 20mins. BIL tried to get
> some info from the doc as this had all happened completely out of the
> No warning, no sign of concern from the midwives and nurses in contact
> Sis except some of them didn't like her asking questions. Sis, BIL and mum
> were given no answers. We are all so aware of the signs and symptoms of
> and PND and sis was definitley not showing any, just tired and stressed
> because of her very long day.
> They kept asking her questions, the doc and head nurse, till 1:30am and
> proceeded to tell her that she seemed "flighty"!!!! I would too at 1:30am,
> with a son in hospital being told I couldn't feed him on demand because he
> might die of brain damage!
> cut a very long story short, a midwife stayed outside Sis
> BIL slept on the floor, my mum stayed till 2:30am and Sis tried to sleep.
> I got a call at 7:00am, completely oblivious to the goings on of last
> and raced down there.
> A different psychiatrist came along and met with Sis, BIL, my dad and I.
> said he didn't understand what or why all this had happened. He asked Sis
> some questions and spoke to all of us and said he was sooo sorry, he
> it was some kind of beaurocratic thing!!! Like they couldn't figure out
> to book her into maternity??!!
> So today we spent the day in hospital and I watched my sister go from,
> yesterday, stressed and tired but doing a wonderful job mothering, to
> an emotional, sleep deprived wreck, who was now questioning herself as a
> mum! I don't know how this could've happened, it seems so sureal!
> The head nurse that was on this afternoon was so apologetic and couldn't
> believe what had happened either. She said that there had been things
> written in Sis files that were not true, like the Mental Health Emergency
> Team had come to speak to Sis and that they had called the psychiatrist,
> they never came. All the nurses today and midwives were saying to Sis that
> they couldn't understand any of it either.
> This evening I rang an independent midwife and she came to visit Sis and
> just tried to talk with her and stuff, she was really lovely.
> The worst part of this, is not how or why this happened, but what effect
> has had on Sis. I am really feeling for her, it has started the ball
> in her head and she doesn't see how she can stop her negative feelings and
> thoughts about herself.
> I don't understand how any of this could happen.
> Love Abby
> --
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