Thanks so much for everyones advice and thoughts. This is what has happened.

Baby was born 4.4kg. Ventouse(?), quite traumatic, cord cut immeadiately and
oxygen, vigirous rubbing and suction were used.

Went home at 2 days old, feeding very well.

Went in for 3 day check up, had lost 150grams from birth weight, got a 22 on
the forehead bilirubin test(? I don't know what this means), then they did a
blood test and it was 300. Mum took him home before results. Baby is feeding
very well, alert when awake and wakes for good feeds if asleep.

Hung out in the sun for 15mins, went back to a different hospital, had gone
down to 280, sent them home to come back next day.

Day 4 went back, still feeding well and alert, test showed had gone up to
380. Phytotherapy recommended but not allowed to feed on demand, must only
be breastfed every 4 hours even after arguments with pead and nurses. Mum is
exhausted but keeping a close guard in a chair in the nursery overnight, she
is expressing to keep up his feeds.

My sis has given up trying to get advice and info from the hospital, she is
sick of fighting with them and now just wants her boy home. She is letting
them do whatever they want so she can get home in a hurry.

It is amazing how different births and babies can be. Her first was smooth
sailing, 10 hour labour, natural birth, went home and no worries...and this
one has been a very traumatic 4 days from the moment she got to the

Thanks again for all your advice.

Love Abby

----- Original Message -----
From: "denise boscheinen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 4:17 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] URGENT INFO NEEDED

> what was the birth weight and how old is the baby the general rule is if
> sbr is 10% of the birth weight the baby may require phototherapy  however
> the baby is active and feeding there should be no problem. Kernicterus
> occurs when high levels of bilirubin ( uncongicated ) build up .this is
> rare these days and any baby found to have very high levels would be given
> an exchange transfusion befoe this could occur.
> >To: "ozmidwifery @ acegraphics . com . au"
> >Subject: [ozmidwifery] URGENT INFO NEEDED
> >Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 14:50:55 +1100
> >
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >Can anyone give me some info on what levels are high bilirubin levels in
> >newborns?
> >My sister's baby was tested and the hospital is saying he could get brain
> >damage.
> >His score was 300?? Not sure what that means.
> >
> >What are the dangers, are the tests necessary, is it normal in newbies,
> >what is
> >the best treatment, preferably natural and can the light treatment cause
> >any
> >problems?
> >
> >He is alert, eating well and has only lost 150g in 3 days since birth
> >weight.
> >
> >Any answer asap would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> >Thanks
> >Love Abby
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