I assume that by that you mean " the natives as well as the exPats" rather than 'besides' ....
We exPats are also friendly - as you well know :-)
On that note - Karen - please come and join the Maternity Coalition when you get here - a good way to meet 'ex-pat' and 'native' Perth-ites who want to make a difference in maternity services (and Denise, Sally and I are members :-)
Debbie Slater
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] RE: Location, location, location

Dear Karne
Perth is a small city even though it is state capital and most places are easy = 30-40 minute drive at the most.
At the moment and unfortunately a place with a pool even in suburb near the beaches is not a tall order it depends on what you want to spend!!
Our wet lands are drying up because of the over usage of the water table/supply but the state govt like the federal wants the votes more than tackling the hard issues
Have you tried looking at a map of Perth??
Going to your library and getting books on Perth??
So when you talk with the offers on the list for information you have a reference??
There are some Perth cam websites also!!
Sounds like you have not been here??

Has your partner got work as I know some who have trouble with that and the level of medical domination of all services plus the distance and social/family difference with UK!!

But you will find the natives besides the exPat brits friendly
Denise Hynd
----- Original Message -----
From: Karen
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 3:01 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] RE: Location, location, location

Dear Everyone
                    As I am hoping to get a job in a hospital in Perth, can anyone help us with suitable areas to bring up a family but within easy travelling distance to Perth for work, easy = 30-40 minute drive at the most.
I have three children (ages 12, 9 and 3). We would ideally like an area that is not very large and busy. Perhaps in the country but not isolated. There has to be easy access to good schooling. We do like older properties with a bit of character but this not essential. The kids of course just want to rent a property with a swimming pool!! Is this a really tall order? I hope we're not looking for the impossible.
We hope to move out later on this year and ideally we would like to get a property that we'd be happy to settle in for a while (or at least until my work visa runs out)
We spend ages on the net looking, but there is just so much to look at. Fremantle area looks nice, is it?
If anyone can gives me any pointers on nice areas or even areas best avoided I would really appreciate any advice, we can hardly wait to move out to OZ !!!
Kind Regards
Karen Crossan

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