"All I am saying is all labours are not equal, and it seems to me that in abandoning the "methods" of prepared childbirth because they don't work for everywoman we have abandoned many women to pharmacological methods of pain relief. Just look at our stats. We have had (and are having) a backlash against natural childbirth because women felt like failures when they succombed to interventions whether or not they were necessary. Once more I think we have largely thrown the baby out with the bath water or even lost the plot entirely.
Also let us not forget that these "methods" arose because women felt abandoned in labour and delivery wards, they had to have a way to help themselves."
Your post says it so well Marilyn. It is exactly the things that we have to think about, very seriously.
I get so bloody sick of being hauled across the coals for teaching a method that has proven time and time again to have such wonderful benefits for not only the mothers and babies but also the dads and I know many of you midwives out there are witnessing these births. I don't guarantee pain free births or that they should feel guilty because they had to have an epidural or a caesarean because their baby is malpositioned. I don't haul them in off the streets or make outrageous claims. They seek me out because so many mums-to-be are so fearful and have no where to turn. Tell me where do they go? Do they go into labour screaming not fully understanding what is going on with their bodies, babies get stressed and it's into theatre and whammo another successful caesarean.
Yes many, many women birth beautifully and I am very proud of those that do but many have absolutely no idea. I know because I see them and they walk in scared witless. It's those women I am proud to work with because after 5 classes they walk out with much more confidence and also the knowledge about their body's natural ability to birth. They have access to me 24 hours a day on my home number with the reassurance that if they need me there in labour I'm proudly at their side. Believe me I will never be rich doing this job that I love so much. I work for $27 per hour and I don't know ANY fully qualified therapist that does that. Many I offer for $25 per session if they are in financial difficulty. I'm not looking for sympathy or any pat on the back either. I do it because it's part of life and I do Australian not American.
I'm not sure that many know just what hypnosis is. Do you realise that you put yourself into trance upto 20 times a day, daydreaming or automatic driving. The minister at the pulpit so often has his congregation in trance with his sermon. You go into trance staring into a fire, reading a good book, being engrossed in a good movie. Meditation is simply self hypnosis. Your body knows how to utilise this natural ability at any time so why doesn't it make sense to use your own natural ability to relax the body when in labour, many women just do that naturally which is often why they do so well.
Do people knock it because they fear losing control? Your body's senses are 3 times more alert while in hypnosis. You hear everything going on around you. You cannot be made to do anything under hypnosis that you wouldn't usually do. Not possible! Someone like Martin St James who has people on stage quacking like ducks goes through a preamble with an audience of approx 700 people to get 30 who are suggestible enough to go on stage.
You may gather that I'm steamed.................well I AM. I don't knock everyone else for the work they do, we all have so much to offer each other. I love what you midwives do and I have the greatest respect for you. I know many of you do it because like me we are working towards a common goal., although the miracle of life will NEVER, ever be common. So many more midwives are attending the HypnoBirthing trainings because they see the benefits themselves.
We can't live life with our heads in the sand, we HAVE to evolve with society or we are left behind floundering in the past of "I only wish it could be like it was back when" Well unfortunately it can't, life moves on and if we don't move with it we can never be part of it.
Something important to remember, not all children know how to learn so do we leave them floundering or let them know how others do it so they have the same opportunities they so deserve.
Andrea, I will gladly post any reports from clients who didn't have the "perfect" birth but prepare yourself because every one of them will tell you what a great experience it was and something they are proud to remember, not to HAVE to forget.
I wish I could say these are musings but they are JUST fact.
PS. I appologise for this lengthy post and I'm off to do EFT therapy on myself for losing my cool but geeeeees give me a break!

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