Helen wrote:
> Certainly as a midwife there seems to be a few do's and don't to learn and
> there are various "waterbirth workshops" being run for midwives to the
> extent that I feel if you weren't experienced in waterbirthing you might
> endanger the baby's life - e.g. the mother must either stay in the water or
> get out of the water during crowning but mustn't interchange between the
> two!!! correct me if I am wrong.........that worries me........
Helen, the more waterbirths I attend, the less I do.  Actually, the only don'ts I observe is 1. don't have the water too hot-altho I am not truly convinced this is a problem as sooo many women have very hot baths in pregnancy and on the otherside, maternal fever in labour  by itself, does not kill babies either.  2. If the baby's mouth is born out of water, I usually don't put the head underwater again, I birth the baby in the air.  Once again, it is because I don't really know if the baby will gasp or not.  More a lack of confidence in my own knowlege.  Waterbirthing is a wonderful way to keep everyone away from the woman and let her do it her way and a gentle entry into the world for the baby. cheers, MM 

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