I wanted to know my baby's weight.  She was so big and gorgeous, and she birthed so perfectly at home.  I was so proud.  I could tell she was big (well 4100g actually - a couple of days later)  I was a breastfeeding counsellor at the time, I was feeding her moments after she was born.  But my midwife reminded me that I could see how big, beautiful and healthy she was, and I had done a fabulous job, so it would be all just fine if we weighed her tomorrow or whenever.  That's all the reassurance I needed.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sadie
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Australian research

Very interesting research Mary - however it is quite amazing how many couples want their baby weighed before even considering feeding!
And why do people insist on knowing the baby's weight in the old imperial system of pounds?? Even really young couples want to know the weight in pounds!

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