Hi Tracy,
If you go to the WHO web-site and click on publications and then do a search using "antenatal" you will find the "WHO Antenatal Care Randomised Trial: Manual for the Implementation of the New Model". (www.who.int/reproductive-health/publications/RHR_01_30/RHR_01_30_contents.en.html)
On page of 8 you will find their "CLassifying Form" which they use to decide who is high risk. A primip is NOT automatically deemed high risk!!
If your hospital thinks that IOLs are high risk then they shouldn't be doing them unless they have a llegitimate medical reason ie STOP doing social inductions!!
Surely those blind irrational doctors can't argue with the WHO ...? ... then again ...?
Hope this gives you some ammunition.
All the best,

From: "Tracy Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ozmidwifery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ozmidwifery] urgent help for Another victorian birthing unit
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 18:52:33 +1000

Can anyone assist with ammunition for a meeting in the morning which is
instrumented to look at eliminating Primips and inductions from an
incredible public birthing unit on the Mornington Peninsula Victoria.
Obstetricians and upper management are suggesting primips are not low risk
and nor are inductions. They want to prevent them from accessing the unit.
We desperately need to know if anyone has examples / evidence of units
operating elsewhere with midwife led care as the only option?. Has anyone
evidence to suggest the outcomes for primipara women and their babies in a
midwifery led care model??

I know this is way short notice but it was only presented to us about 10mins
ago and the meeting is at 8.00 in the morning!

Thanks for your time – passionate but desperate Peninsula midwife

Leanne Wynne
Midwife in charge of "Women's Business"
Mildura Aboriginal Health Service  Mob 0418 371862

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