Hi Jan

If you want any assistance with excel I am willing to assist

I have a very good working knowledge of excel, however you may be better using access which is a database program and very good at statistical work

I could put you a program together that is simple to use but will enable you to pull out in-depth statistical information.

If you are interested just let me know

There will be no charge




From: owner-[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jan Robinson
Sent: Friday, 9 July 2004 7:29
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth summary forms


Hi Sue
Not sure what birth summary forms are, but my Birth Register is simply an excel spreadsheet with all the details .. name address age etc. all the demographics. then time membranes ruptured (if less than an hour before birth ... etc..) number of vaginal examinations (i love entering zeros!) , length of each stage position for each stage ... time of birth , date of birth lots of stuff plus comments for anything interesting like placentas in situ for eight hours , what we did about it , what type of sutures were used, etc. The reason for it all being on a spreadsheet is so that I can statistically analyse it to get the average age of my clients, average duration of labour, first stage etc. It might be handy one day. I would have to get m y daughter to help me with the analysis as I am not brilliant using Excel, ... one of my clients set it up for me many years ago ... It's easy enough to do if you understand Excel. I think Robyn THompson sets hers up on some similiar type of spreadsheet.. she was going to market it at one stage. Hilda Bastian also had a brilliant one set up to go underd the HBA banner. It was the best idea I had ever seen as it also had the facillity for anylisising social data as well. She was going to get hers to a marketable stage too but then the homebirth movement seemed to crumble temporarily and it has been lost to us. It would be a great project for HBA to tackle, but we could also get the NSWPD people to provide us with a template for their data sheet with add ons. The USA midwives have one that Maralyn Kleidon would know about but she is in the states at the moment. Perhaps we could put pressure on the College to produce a workable one for all homebirth midwives that could be used to collect research data for their IPM Accreditation program that they are getting set up. Lots of possibilities

Did you get the papers I sent you? We need to get the new forms from Centre Link now.
Haven't got mine yet, they tell me they don't have anymore as they had a printing mishap so I will have to go up to my local office to get then.

Hope you and Arthur are both well. Give my love to Penny.

Jan Robinson Independent Midwife Practitioner
National Coordinator Australian Society of Independent Midwives
8 Robin Crescent South Hurstville NSW 2221 Phone/Fax: 02 9546 4350
e-mail address: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> website: www.midwiferyeducation.com.au
On 07/07/2004, at 5:12 PM, Sue Cookson wrote:

Hi all,
Can anyone email me copies of their birth summary forms please?
Am looking to rewrite my own, but would love some of your inspiations and insights.

Many thanks,
Sue and Penny
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