Hi Jan,
Seem to be hitting a few problems here, and am forever aware of my (il)legal status.
Had a lovely slow primip birth on Sunday(46 hours - mostly prelabour but still needing support), Rh pos baby, so went to Mullum hospital armed with the baby's blood results (which I'd got from the receptioinsts at my back-up doctor's surgery). My back-up doctor had just left for a 2 week break, so I contacted his back-up doctor. This guy was off for the day, so I spoke with his boss who happened to be a personal friend(?). Well, all shit let loose cos this guy decided it was completely wrong for me to have access to the anti-Don the woman's behalf. He phoned Mullum hospital and told the nurse administrator (Jane Ackerman) I was a lay midwife and then all these people in the hospital came up to me telling me I was a lay midwife. Nightmare!!
To cut the story short, I ended up having to take the women in to the hospital for her jab. I had called the mum and she had given me the name of a reg nurse friend who was happy to do injection but that seemed to become irrelevant. The hospital maintained they couldn't send out a midwife cos she wasn't under their care, and that they didn't have the right paperwork to make changes to any of that.
I then dropped in and spoke with Jane Ackerman again today, and she seems very supportive saying that she was supporting women's right to choose whoever and that wasn't an issue, but that we just needed to sort out the systems so that the women's needs can be met.
Do you happen to know Jane Ackerman?
What do you do about anti-d?
And my next two women are also rhesus neg...

Boy Jan, is all this worth it??

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