Just reading your story there (and I get the impression that's just the tip of it) makes me want to send virtual hugs to you.
Katrina :-)
On 07/09/2004, at 4:28 PM, Abby and Toby wrote:

Dear Abby
Have you told your ECN of your journey subsequent to her advice??
Denise Hynd

Hi Denise,

Unfortunately no. Nor have I written to the male ob who convinced me that I
would have a c-section because his "alarm bells" were ringing, nor the
asshole that held me down while he did an internal before my husband got
there while I was screaming NO and asking him to stop, nor the nurses that
kept trying to move my bed by themselves and I would go flying backwards,
later to find a huge red warning on the end of the bed saying "Warning: two
people needed to adjust this bed", nor my doula that went weird on me after
I had my daughter, nor my "pastors" that sent me a letter to say that I had
alligned myself with Satan when I was 8 months pregnant and then convinced
all my friends and support people that if they ever spoke to me, they could
not be trusted..... nor anyone else that added salt to the wounds during
that time.
I guess, in amongst everything else that was going on, my ECN seemed like an
angel. She supported me in every other way and really helped to keep me
sane. I do feel let down by her lack of good breastfeeding advice, but I am
eternally grateful that she was in my life at that time. So I guess I would
rather write and say thankyou for the support she did give me rather than
the support she didn't.
Sorry that ended up so long.................I am still healing from that
time and anything brings up everything for that "Nightmare on Birth Street".

Love Abby

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