Dear Abby
Have you told your ECN of your journey subsequent to her advice??
Denise Hynd

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.  For,
indeed, they are the only ones who ever have."
Margaret Mead
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Abby and Toby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] "formula lunches"

> >>Just like a traumatic birth experience, this takes time to work through
> but perhaps could be avoided if these women had been supported in a
> breastfeeding culture initially.
> P.S. I wet nursed a friend's adopted baby - she is now 20
> > Pinky
> Hi,
> This topic is great reading.
> While suffering with PND, which I think was PTSD, my ECN suggested I start
> comp feeding because one day Akayrii had lost weight. I was advised to
> in and see her every week, drink sustagen and comp feed one feed a day.
> gave me samples of different formulas and away I went. What this meant was
> me being stressed, stacking on the weight( thanks sustagen) and my milk
> supply dwindling.
> What I was not told and am quite upset now that I know a lot more than I
> then, was that ABA existed and they could really help me, I was given no
> helpline numbers, no support group numbers, I wasn't told that comp
> could decrease my supply not increase it ( even though it gave my nipples
> rest and gave my body a chance to make more milk??!!), that comp feeding
> could cause nipple confusion etc etc.
> I adore my ECN but that is one thing I feel so let down about, I struggled
> with "failing" at birth and then had to deal with "failing" at
> breastfeeding. My daughter self weaned at 9months, she was having about 3
> feeds from me and 2 comp feeds at that stage. She started getting eczema
> 6months and has just gotten worse and worse. Ever since she started on
> formula she has had, what I believe to be weakened lungs and was suffering
> from asthma for a little while. It wasn't until I came out of my PND haze
> 11months, that I realised what had happened and the choices I had made and
> then it was too late.
> Anyway, my point is that I find it distressing that some midwives and
> childhood nurses and other professionals have no idea how to support or
> encourage breastfeeding mums.
> From the things I have read now I know why. It is really sad. Formula
> companies make so much money, if they were that interested in maternal and
> child health they would put money into researching how to help encourage
> educate women to breastfeed, not sponsoring meetings and luncheons.
> Thanks for the book recommendations........yay more books to buy!!
> Love Abby
> --
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