I realise that this is not what you where asking for but I mentioned to our
group today that when thinking about their baby plan & the bathing
"policies" that they could choose if they wanted to, to shower with the baby
& maybe even partner. For me this was a wonderful experience. I was able to
clean myself & my baby with out being separated. We had just spent 6 hrs
sleeping & feeding skin to skin since the birth & I didn't want to let her
go to anyone but her family. She didn't see a bath for 4 weeks or so. Anyway
I just wanted to share as it was a very different experience for me than
watching my husband learn to bath our first daughter from my bed recovering
from a c/s. If I had known then that it was ok to not bath her then I could
have had a similar experience with my first.
Philippa Scott
Birth Buddies
Supporting Women ~ Creating Life

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