good on you lindsay keep at it im sure with your dedication you will achieve the goal of registered midwife. i too remember tinking that when i began attending births now i would not change it for the world as i love mid and midwifery.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 4:26 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] A wonderfully successful vbac birth this morning


I have just come home from an exciting day as a Student Midwife.  My first Two births!!!!  Okay I was only a witness, but it was still pretty exciting stuff. The first lady was a VBAC.  Supposed to be a Cesar on Friday, came in this morning in labour and I think the Obstetrician was so busy with his theatre list that he just let her labour.  I think he planned to do a Cesar (in his mind anyway) after lunch.  He kept saying that she was progressing BUT she probably wouldn’t deliver.  And she did!!  Not only that but the Dr didn’t get there!  It was beautiful!  Within half an hour the lady who I had been with all morning (IOL for postdates) also delivered.  The Dr made it for that one.  Shame really, it just wasn’t as nice.  So.. not my perfect scenarios, I am a Home Birth fan myself, but in a hospital where two weeks ago everyone had a LSCS, I was pretty thrilled to have two normal deliveries.  I have to admit caring for the women post section I was beginning to doubt my desire to be a Midwife.  It just isn’t my thing, all those post op obs and PCAs and drains etc.  But todays experience reminded me why I want to do this!  


Totally enthused!



From: [] On Behalf Of Julie Clarke
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 6:21 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] A wonderfully successful vbac birth this morning



I have just come in the door from supporting at another wonderful birth, which was a successful vbac.

The woman had made a well informed choice to aim for a vbac and not a repeat cesar, however she experienced the usual normal anxiety of anyone having a vaginal birth compounded with lack of confidence because she didn’t get there last time.

Well we worked through those issues slowly and gently, over an hour and a half she pushed her baby into the world – a gorgeous baby girl with a lovely head of dark curly hair.

The midwife was lovely, gentle, positive, calm, quiet and unobtrusive.

The dad was great and got into trouble a couple of times – I felt sorry for him – he was crestfallen because he was trying to do his best.

The woman was so pleased with herself at having achieved what she wanted to achieve a natural active birth with no drugs, no intervention and a fine healthy baby.

She didn’t have any colostrum after the cesar and was worried – but after this normal birth we got the baby on and the baby looked very contented and relaxed as I left.

And I have come home with another big smile on my face satisfied in the knowledge that when a woman puts her mind to it and no one stands in her way she can do anything can’t she?

A great experience to start the day.


Warm hug to all



Julie Clarke CBE

Independent Childbirth and Parenting Educator

HypnoBirthing (R) Practitioner

ACE Grad Dip Supervisor

NACE Advanced Educator and Trainer

NACE National Journal Editor

Transition into Parenthood Sessions

9 Withybrook Place

Sylvania NSW 2224

Telephone  9544 6441

Mobile: 0401 2655 30


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