Following the post from Lynne Staff, and others who talk of supportive (might even say sensible) obstetricians who do practice woman friendly care. Wouldn't it be good if some of these rare creatures came out and spoke to their less supportive colleagues about their methods, beliefs and results.
I often wonder why Michel Odent does not speak to them more - he preaches to the converted talking to midwives.  Although I remember my colleague asking him this at the Future Birth conference, he answered in that gorgeous accent "Ah well, you know, obstetricians, zey are not ma favourite people"
Wouldn't it be great if our obs, who clearly do not know about good birthing practices, listened to those who do, and who can back it up with facts and figures.  God knows they don't listen to midwives - maybe one of their own would have more effect?
Just wishing....
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
Edmund Burke

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