Pinky McKay wrote:

Hi Jo,
I have read Aletha Solters book re stress release crying - I also believe there is a big difference between leaving a baby to cry and allowing a baby to cry to release stress BUT have a few buts!

I know mothers who have tried to let their babies release through crying -for a couple it seems right and for others not.

Last week I had this discussion with a mum who expressed my own concerns - is this just a form of sleep training but 'in arms'? I guess it depends on the particular baby. As Vedrana says - listen hard to what YOU feel is right - you know YOUR baby best!


Yup, those were my fears, too. I just wish there was *the* right thing to do... not just a heap of different theories a lot of which could be right. It's also hard to think logically with only 3 hours' sleep under your belt every for every 24! I am not the only one; and this too, shall pass. These are my 2 mantras I have to repeat to myself! ;)



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