Hi Sharon,
Yes, we will do a workshop in Adelaide on: "Waterbirths minus the Mystery", a 'how to' for you !
 I'm happy to respond, this is my area of speciality. I assume you aren't just after general knowledge as there is plenty of that available by googling on the net.
You are in Adelaide & if you'd like to get together a group of students or colleagues I could run a workshop for you on waterbirth.
Perhaps if you do some homework re nice venues (ie roomy & good energy) & get an idea of numbers of your colleagues/peers interested ( 8 - 10 minimum) we could then fix a definite date. Some suggestions: Community house, approach local hospital, local clinic, your own or a friends home, you just need a roomy lounge.
They are good fun & we do a lot of hands on role play which is a great & very effective way to learn . We do tend to remember things we've seen acted out as well as retain the info. Plus it gives you a chance to trouble-shoot regarding your particular situation. Also we find it helps to visualise problems & how to overcome them re tools, props, scenes, settings, emergencies etc.
Look forward to hearing from you.
With kind regards
Brenda Manning
----- Original Message -----
From: sharon
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 1:26 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] waterbirth

can anyone direct me where i can attend a class which teaches midwives about waterbirth. iam interested to offer women who i care for this service but i feel that i need to attend a study day or seminar so i can be more proficient in the care of women who want a waterbirth.
p.s. preferably in adelaide.

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