Thanks everyone for your thoughts and replies, it was a huge shock to me but
I guess, sadly, that many of you are well used to this. I haven't heard from
the woman since Saturday so chances are she's gone into labour. I pray it
all went as well as she hoped.

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Director, &
Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Baby
Australian Little Tikes Specialists 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cheryl LHK
Sent: Monday, 21 November 2005 1:25 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Absolutely horrified!

Yes, she can turn up to any public hospital with midwifery services and not 
be turned away.  Tell her to have a copy of antenatal paperwork she has (if 
she has it!!) and the midwives at the hospital can ring her orginal booking 
hospital and get any records/pathology faxed over - or at least that has 
happened to us in the past.

This is the sort of obs who needs a complaint written about him!!  But it 
will turn into a "he said, she said" situation.  If she goes back to him, 
take another person with her!!


>From: "Kelly @ BellyBelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Subject: [ozmidwifery] Absolutely horrified!
>Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 15:44:48 +1100
>One of the girls in my forums here in Melbourne just posted this - no 
>she seemed upset when I saw her yesterday - I had no idea at the time:
>"I have just had the worst night of my life, and its taken me 3 hours to
>stop crying uncontrollably.
>My Dr, who I've been seeing throughout my pg is on leave (bereavement), and
>since I'm at 41 weeks, the midwives I'm seeing sent me to see the OB who's
>filling in for him.
>So I go for my appt.
>First, he does a stretch & sweep without asking me or any prior warning.
>Then he says he's booking me in to be induced tomorrow, which when I
>questioned it he tells me I'm going to kill my baby cos I'm past 41 weeks.
>The he goes on to say 'I'm not into any of that airy fairy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>deliver on the bed, on your back. I'm not a vet.'
>So I said I was planning an active birth, (which is what my Dr prefers)
>and he says I'll have to see someone else and good luck getting in to see
>anyone else at this stage of the game.
>So now I have no obstetrician, no doctor and I don't know what I'm going to
>do. I'm seriously thinkg about fronting up tomorrow at the Royal Womens to
>see if I can have my baby there instead of the hospital I'm booked in at -
>can they turn you away if its a public hospital?"
>This is appalling - beyond belief. my blood is boiling it really is..
>Best Regards,
>Kelly Zantey
>Director,  <> &
>Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Baby
>Australian Little Tikes Specialists

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