HI Julie,
Pilates I have done, belly dancing, no, but would like to try it one day. Pilates is fantastic for your back and easy to do. I love an exercise called the roll down, which involves starting in a standing position with your feet and body in alignment, and then putting your chin on your chest, and gradually rolling your spine down one vertebra at a time until your fingers brush the floor. You only move as you breathe out, stopping while you breathe in. Once you have had a little relax at the bottom, you come up one by one, again only with a breath. Stopping as many times as you need to take another breath. I love it, because it is also relaxing focussing on the breathing. There is of course a lot more to Pilates, and a class with a good instructor is definitely the way to go. I had a back injury, which was exacerbated by spending too long at the computer (still haven't learnt!) There was a Pilates class where I was studying at the time, and I went twice a week, along with most of the staff from the University's library, and a few young students.It's not a work out like you get in the gym, but it gives your muscles a good stretch, realign and strengthen. It got me through.
Good luck.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Julie Garratt
S ent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 10:59 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: [ozmidwifery] belly dancing midwives:)

Hi all,
I've just started work as a midwife and I think I need some exercise to strengthen my back, feeling a bit stiff after catching babies in the shower, bath, floor, birth stool ect. I think it is a sustainability issue of practice, a good strong back. I don't ever want my physical ability to dictate how a woman wants to birth. Anyone tried pilates or belly dancing? Any other good suggestions?
Ta Julie:)

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