At booking I give women a list of iron and calcium rich foods which has the contained number of mg per serve and the daily dietary intake necessary and ask them to work out ensure they are getting enough. If they find they arent then we discuss ways of increasing this. Most women can increase their intake sufficiently once they are aware of the higher sources and the ways in which absorption can be increased such as taking sources of vit c at the same time and having plant and animal sources together such as spinach and meat.

Parsley & Pineapple juice is simple and I am sure women would have to have more than one glass a day for the uric acid build up to be a problem if her kidney function is normal. Also juice bars have shot sized serves of grasses which are also good. Some women prefer liquid iron called ferro force which can be bought from health food shops or naturopaths.

We tend to focus on iron but if women's iron stores are low I would suspect that her stores of other vital minerals such as magnesium and zinc are also low and this is where multi vitamins can be of value.
On 12/01/2006, at 10:40 AM, Helen and Graham wrote:

We are having a discussion about remedies for anaemia in pregnancy at work at the moment.  One of the midwives has been recommending parsley and pineapple juice but one of the doctors is saying it causes a build up of uric acid?!
I recall hearing about floradix being recommended by some midwives and Elevit by others. 
Apart from FGF, I would be interested in what people are recommending in their practices.

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