Hi, Trudi,

Most *bugs* aren't necessarily passed to the baby through the milk - if they are passed to the baby it's through the normal contact mothers have with their babies, regardless of how they are fed. The mother's body begins to make antibodies which are passed through the milk to protect the baby to some extent from what the mum has. It can be tough caring for a baby when you are sick, but even tougher when you are not breastfeeding. So I don't know of any situation where ceasing to breastfeed would be a good option

----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott & Trudi Kluge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Mastitis question

I usually lurk here but just wanted to tell of my experience.......

I have had one bout of mastitis with symptoms just as you
describe..... flu-like fever, nausea, vomiting, dizziness.....
VERY painful reddened breast, quick onset.......
with the added thick (arghh), blood tinged pale green milk
(sorry for graphic description)... I kept feeding my then 10 mth
old, expressing and enlisting the help of her older brother who
is always very keen to help out when needed.... I ended up
getting AB's because this just seemed a little too severe and
the milk was a difficult consistency to express...... I recovered very
quickly 1-2 days and the children experienced no adverse
effects...... (I didn't show them the milk :-)

I know of a woman recently who had a nasty salmonella infection
at time of birthing and baby ended up with it too.... (don't know
much about the case but should find out).... I don't know
if this was whilst inutero or through breastfeeding or by other
means, such as, simply contact with infected person.....

I'm sure you have explored all possible scenarios..... :-)
You sound like you got hit by the express version of the mastitis
bus like me and that these symptoms were due to this event
rather than another concurrent illness.....
Your dear boy might have simply got an upset tummy from your
altered milk....or he did what kids tend to do from time to time
and that is suffer a quick 24 hr virus unrelated  to you.....

I would assume that feeding throughout 'simple' illnesses would be
fine with no adverse effects to baby, I haven't heard of any mother /
baby separation (aka quarantine) incidences........

This is a very interesting question and it would be interesting to hear
what the LC's recommend in regards to continued breastfeeding with
various maternal (local & systemic) infections.....

back to my lurking.....


interesting question
----- Original Message ----- From: "Megan & Larry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 6:17 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Mastitis question

Thanks for the replies so far,

I have been breastfeeding for 8 years straight with 4 children. The last 2
children were/are demand fed. No rules!
I have never had mastitis until with this child, once a year ago and then
just now. I have had a number of blocked ducts over the years, but never
it gone to the next level.

I really just want to know if children can become ill from a mother who
My little bloke made a full recovery by late morning, so he was only
for 24 hrs. Normally he takes a couple days to recover as well.

It has just had me intrigued, and I lean towards the comments that "
say it can't, but common sense infers that it is possible" and/or " had
mastitis and some other infection, which your son caught".

Any further thoughts,

Thanks again


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