Hi Paivi,
I did an extensive literature review and essay for uni in 2004 i can attach for you to your direct address if you like. 
Breifly after many years of routine episi we were from the 90's able to assess the effects of Antenatal Peri massage on intact rates. and there have been several  studies including a canadian study of 1500 births. (see ref below).  For first vaginal births it nearly doubles your chances of intact peri - plus the more you do it the better it works.  But little significant difference for multi vag births.  However this study also rated womens sence of satisfaction and feeling of control which was higher for both groups. Women have a better understanding of the birth feelings and anantomy from exploring the sensations antenatally.  
This is not to be confused with Peri Masage IN LABOUR- which THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT (Stamp, G., Kruzins, G. & Crowther, C. 2001, ‘Perineal massage in labour and prevention of perineal trauma: randomised controlled trial’, British Medical Journal , vol. 322, no. 7297, pp. 1277-1280.)
let me know if you want the whole Lit review.
Canadian study:
Labrecque, M., Eason, E., Marcoux, S., Lemieux, F.,  Pinault, J.,  Feldman, P. &  Laperriere, L. 1999, ‘Randomized controlled trial of prevention of perineal trauma by perineal massage during pregnancy’,  American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, [Online], vol. 180, no.3,  pp. 593-600, Available: Ovid/[EMAIL PROTECTED] [11 March 2004].
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:37 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] perineal massage

Hi everyone,
In my store we sell an organic oil by Weleda for perineal massage. (  almond oil, wheat germ oil, natural essential oils.) Many women seem to think, that if they simply apply this oil, it will prevent tears. I am planning to add some info on perineal massage on our website and also prepare a handout to give with the oil. I would appreciate any good links on this subject and answers to these questions:
What do you consider the main factors, when preventing tears and episiotomies? (other than perineal massage)
Where can I find research on this subject or effectiveness of perineal massage?

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