Hello all,


Just wondering if anyone has some reassurance for this woman, I have given her some info which was posted here previously as well as my own reinforcements for her, but it sounds like the mercy are really pushing for an induction and she’s buying it a little – not surprising since my last birth there they did the same… brought in more and more doctors until mum had enough! There are a couple of days emails here:


“Just thought I should update you on my tests etc on Friday... I went back in to the birth centre, they took my blood pressure and another urine sample and said I should go and get monitored because my blood pressure was the same (not higher), and there was trace protein in my wee.


So, I spent about 4 hours (so boring!) having a CTG (which was fine), blood test (also fine), and blood pressure monitored every half hour.  My blood pressure stayed the same or was a little lower on one test.  Then I had to wait around to see the doctor, who said I need to do a 24 hour urine test thing this coming Thursday and then go back in on Friday to have the blood test, CTG and blood pressure monitored again.  I also have an appointment on Friday at the birth centre, so I just go in early for that.


So, I'm feeling okay physically, but really, really hoping that this baby will just come early on them so they don't get the chance to induce me... I've had more acupuncture and a massage over the weekend, and am just trying to take it easy this week.”


Then this…


“My blood pressure throughout my pregnancy has been 100/60, but when it was tested Thursday/Friday last week it was 130/80... so not really high, just high for me. I've been having calcium and magnesium supplements but probably haven't been eating enough fish... we can have some this week before Friday I guess! I've been trying to do my relaxation every day, which is helpful at the time, until I think about them inducing me with a posterior baby...!


I have just emailed Dave and asked him to print out our birth preferences, and have included a section on induction in there, just in case! I basically just said I would like the drip to start slowly and allow time for active labour to establish before increasing the dose, and also said that even if induced I would like to avoid an epidural (if humanly possible!).”


So I think having some more replies from midwives will help back up the points I have been making… I think she needs some more confidence/re-inforcement!!!

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
BellyBelly Birth Support - http://www.bellybelly.com.au/birth-support


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