I did get it the first time... maybe some emails get through to some people but 
not everyone?

At 12:29 PM +1000 6/7/06, Stephen & Felicity wrote:
>Sending this to the list for the second time as it mysteriously disappeared. 
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Stephen & Felicity" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au>
>Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 1:17 PM
>Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Blood pressure...
>>"A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing."
>>Heidi, I'm shocked by this statement.  I can only assume I misunderstood your 
>>stance; could you expand on this statement?
>>Being well-informed is not about being scared or doubtful of the Hospital 
>>(and a Doula doesn't "put fear or doubt" into their clients); it's a basic 
>>human right, particularly for a birthing woman and her baby.  Knowledge is 
>>never dangerous (it's NOT being informed that carries the danger); and if 
>>knowledge leads a woman to feel fearful of a course of action that is 
>>proposed for her, that is a GOOD thing - it's her intuition telling her that 
>>she isn't ok with it happening, and pushing her to seek other options. 
>>Co-operation with a Hospital and her careprovider is not the ultimate goal 
>>for a birthing woman.  It should be the other way around.
>>Women are not infants and they have a right to any and all information, and 
>>to their emotions - even if they include fear.  Fear is natural in birth and 
>>it's good support and good practice that gets us through it effectively; not 
>>avoiding the feeling altogether.
>>Careproviders might not interfere with women and birth for fun (although I've 
>>seen and heard of Obs that indicate differently - and even, rarely, 
>>Midwives), but the rates of intervention compared to the rates indicated as 
>>actually necessary show that they're not often intervening based on evidence, 
>>It's not the information and knowledge that scares women.  It's the practices 
>>and the outcomes.  To address the fear we don't need to withhold information 
>>so the women can birth in Hospital without fuss; we need to truly support 
>>women, foster open negotiation and respect, and keep pushing to change the 
>>practices that aren't evidence-based or in the best interests of women and 
>>their babies.

Jo Bourne
Virtual Artists Pty Ltd
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