I often hear women initially say they want their baby to have whatever they need 'to keep them healthy'.  When you tell them that about 90% of Hep B is spread by sexual contact it raises some questions!!


This article creates scary images to me. I think it's bad enough that hep B is given at birth....... though why do people jab newborns if their immature immune system can't respond effectively to vaccines??.......... another idiocy of "birth" culture. But this is insane, just what a newborn needs, first being drugged to the eyeballs with pain relief cocktails, taken away from mum and jabbed with a chemical cocktail and synthetic molecules, sounds completely rational to me for protecting bubbas at risk. Let's overload their tiny bodies at a vulnerable time, sure that would be protcting them.

What baffles me is, why doesn't all the $$ going into researching ways to create artificial substances and vaccines go into raising breastfeeding and gentle birth practices, or into feeding under nourished pregnant women or creating community gardens and good health and hygeine. These are the things that will change infant mortality, not injecting tiny, vulnerable bodies with dangerous chemicals.

Sometimes the rationale of people has me completely stumped!

Abby xo
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