I was on clexane this pregnancy (for a different condition) I interviewed two 
OBs and one wanted to follow exactly this protocol, the other recommended my 
case was mild enough to cease clexane at 34w and wait for natural labour. My 
understanding from speaking to other women who have to take Clexane or other 
blood thinners during pregnancy for current clots or history of severe clots is 
that they would definitely follow this sort of protocol though.

At 9:58 AM +1000 15/7/06, Michelle Windsor wrote:
>Hi Kelly,
>In my (limited!) experience with this sort of thing, women are usually on 
>Clexane which is an anticoagulant ie 'thins the blood'.  If  the woman went 
>into labour naturally while still on Clexane, obviously her risk of haemorrage 
>would be increased.  But to stop the clexane days before she might go into 
>labour could be risky too if she has a pulmonary embolis or DVT. So what seems 
>to happen is that the clexane will be ceased for 24 hours and then the woman 
>will be induced, and anticoagulants restarted after the birth.  Hope this 
>makes sense!
>"Kelly @ BellyBelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>One of the women on my forum had a crisis and was going to have a caesar, but 
>with a bit of encouragement from the others on the site and with the Ob’s 
>back-up she decided against it and was ecstatic, but then said…
>“WOW you girls totally rock when a girls in need! I actually have to be 
>induced cause of the pulmonary embolism I got and have to be monitored in 
>labour because I’m on a blood thinning agent....”
>Could someone please explain? Sorry to be asking such basic questions all the 
>time, I just want to learn! J
>Best Regards,
>Kelly Zantey
>Creator, <http://www.bellybelly.com.au/>BellyBelly.com.au
>Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
><http://www.bellybelly.com.au/birth-support>BellyBelly Birth Support - 
> LOST Ninja blog: Exclusive clues, clips and gossip.

Jo Bourne
Virtual Artists Pty Ltd
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