Thank You Paivi,
Your letter is quite humbling. It should make us feel ashamed of our bickering. There is a far bigger picture than the snap shot we see every day, and our little philosophical differences. WE do make a difference, We have made a difference, and we will continue to do so. It is this list that gives me the strength and hope to keep chipping away at the coalface. I feel far less alone and radical when you are all out there doing the hard work too. This is more than a job for all of us, it is a calling. Some can do more than others, some do differently than others, the important thing is WE DO!
----- Original Message -----
From: Päivi
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Goodbyes

Just a quick note to all of you, before I run of to work.
Two days ago I went to the Finnish Midwives meeting, where a hospital midwife gave a speach. She described what it was like to care for women twenty years ago, or even ten years ago, when they gave birth on their own empowered. She also described the seem in the today's hospitals with women wanting all possible drugs at the doorstep. It must be hard to work in those circumstances. But what made me really sad is, that this particular midwife had lost her hope for things ever changing. She seemed to have accepted, that time had changed things, and there is no going back anymore. When I got home I wrote to her and told about this list, how every day I read your encouraging commets and stories of women giving birth on their own every day in today's world. How that inspires me to beleive, that I can still change things around in my country an tomorrow can be better, than today. I received a reply from her. My letter to her had made her very happy, because she saw, that there was someone, who has the energy to beleive in the better future, to try to fight the system, to inform the parents and inspire. Obviously she hadn't sensed this for years. We don't have a single forum like this in my country, there are no homebirth conferences or such to attend. Simply there is very little change for these midwives around the country to support each other in their common goal; to provide women with evidence based practise.
I think this list is the best, because I always get an onest opinion of what happens, when midwives don't give in to the policies, and work independently. And also how things can be done even in the high-risk hospital. You are the Best!
Gotta go now,
Don't leave sadie =)
----- Original Message -----
From: adamnamy
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:04 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Goodbyes

I too appreciate the variety of input from all contributors.  Things get a bit heated but that’s life at the coalface. Our biggest challenge is not each other but an attitude that says women can’t be in charge of their own bodies and make their own decisions.  Let’s not lose sight of that goal and get personal.  We all do our bit, the bit that we can do.  And always, it will vary according to our strengths and weaknesses.


It would be a real shame to lose either of you.  As a non midwife, I really appreciate the expertise and the perspectives that midwives working in various settings bring to the discussions.  We need to know what we are up against…so be honest about the challenges you face, because they become ours pretty quickly.


In gratitude for your dedication,





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