Hi Mary.
I realise that it is used.   I know my experience was only in the Private system here and it's probably more widely used in the public service in an open way.  I also know that Antenatal dexamethasone is not licensed either for lung maturity and it used all the time.
The women's and children's did a study in 2004/5 on using for late termination and found bigger the dose the more side effects seen..
I suppose like everything it's all according to what you believe to be right.  There were 2 reported deaths from it in South Africa last year but they felt that it had been used incorrectly.
Phillipa I suppose you just need to check it out a bit more before you decide if it's the right emergency drug for you.
Lisa Barrett
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 8:04 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] getting synto etc

Lisa, Misoprostal for PPH is used on a regular basis at our tertiary hospital. I had a client who planned to go home 4hrs after the birth of twins and the staff gave her Miso about an hour after the birth..she was not hemorrhaging, it was given “in case”.  It is also available to the CMP homebirth midwives if needed. It would only be used as an emergency drug during a transfer to hospital for a severe PPH.  Not been needed so far thank goodness.  It is used in hospitals much more extensively than one thinks.  It is “de-facto” legal;  frequent effective use in the same situation makes it so. Don’t know what a court would make of it tho.  MM  


misoprostal isn't licenced here is Australia.  I wouldn't be prescribing it

if I were a GP.  When I was Working at a private Hospital  the Obs kept it

in their own possesion.  It isn't licenced to be kept at the hospital as far

as I know.  The pharmacy at the hospital wouldn't touch it.  It's not the

sort of drug you should have at a homebirth anyway.

Lisa Barrett

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