Hi, Everybody!

I'm implementing my own Kademlia based VoIP application. One of imprtant
tasks of the app is to locate peer IP address (or IP address of it's relay
if he is behind the NAT) using his/her name/e-mail.  The goal is to receive
correct IP as it can change any time user logs in to the system.

I do not want (at least yet) to implement any central component for such
purposes. My idea is to send STORE(IP:port) to K closest nodes to
user name/e-mail hash when some user (lets call him 'A') logs in. When
another user ('B') wants to call this user 'A' he sends
FIND_NODE(name/e-mail) and locates K closest nodes. After that user 'B'
sends FIND_VALUE RPC to *all* of the K nodes and selects information with
lowest 'age'. Age is calculated by subtracting key/value pair timestamp from
node's current time.

What do you think about such idea? I'm afraid that there could be a lot of
traffic while user is connecting. Does anyone have some other ideas how to
implement this?
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