12th June, 2009 - Freenet 0.7.5 released!

The Freenet Project  is very pleased to announce the  release of
 Freenet 0.7.5.

Freenet  is  free  software  designed  to allow  the  free  exchange  of
information over the  Internet without fear of  censorship, or reprisal.
To  achieve this  Freenet makes  it  very difficult  for adversaries  to
reveal the  identity, either  of the  person publishing,  or downloading
content. The  Freenet project started  in 1999, released Freenet  0.1 in
March 2000, and has been under active development ever since.

Freenet is somewhat unusual in that  you can publish content to Freenet,
and then disconnect from the network. This content will remain available
to other Freenet users, although it  may eventually be deleted if nobody
is interested in  it. Freenet will copy and move  the content around the
network according to  demand, making it very difficult  for an adversary
to  remove content.  Freenet will  automatically create  more copies  of
popular content to ensure that it will always be available.

Freenet 0.7  introduced the  "darknet" concept,  allowing users  to only
connect to  their trusted  friends (and through  them to  their friends'
friends, and  the entire network), greatly  reducing their vulnerability
to attack. You can use Freenet even  if you don't know any other Freenet
users, it just won't be as secure.

Freenet 0.7.5 features major  improvements to performance and usability,
as well as improvements to security and robustness. In particular:

*  Freenet now  uses  a database  to store  longer-term  data that  must
survive a restart. This increases Freenet's speed and reduces its memory
usage. In  particular, you can now  have almost any number  of downloads
and uploads in progress without worrying about memory usage.
* Improvements to the web interface make it clearer what you can do with
Freenet, show progress when loading a page or file will take more than a
few  seconds,  integrate search  into  the  browse page,  and  generally
improve usability in many areas.
* Significantly improved performance  for inserting and retrieving files
and especially pages,  and also for Freenet's initial  connection to the
* A new installer for Windows which  works with Vista as well as Windows
XP/2000 (Freenet also works on Mac and Linux systems).
* Many other optimizations.
* Lots and lots of bug fixes!

There are  versions of Freenet 0.7.5  for Windows, Mac, and  Linux. They
can be downloaded from:


If you have any difficulty getting Freenet to work, or any questions not
answered in the  faq, please join us  on IRC in the  #freenet channel at
irc.freenode.net, or  email the  support mailing list.  If you  have any
suggestions for how to improve Freenet, please visit our uservoice page.

There is  a lot  of work still  to do on  Freenet, particularly  when it
comes to ease of use. If you have Java programming or web design skills,
or would  like to  help translate  Freenet into  your own  language, and
would  like to  help us  improve  Freenet, please  join our  development
mailing list and introduce yourself.

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