Hi.  I have a business application for a closed peer-to-peer network 
and I was hoping that the folk here could make some recommendations.

I operate a small vending route, and I'd like for my vending machines
to be networked.  I can source PC104 boards capable of running Linux 
for under $50 each, and hard drives on the open market. I can 
afford internet service (or share it with a store proprietor) for 
just a few machines;  and I'm wondering what kind of hardware and
software I'd need to deploy to make each installed machine on 
the network extend that network to make it available for 
further machines.  

It needs to scale to the size of vending machine installations in 
a large strip mall; hundreds of machines spread over an area 50 
or 60 times the radius of a typical wifi network.  It needs 
to be fault-tolerant (route intelligently or just store packets 
for later transmission when someone turns on a vacuum cleaner 
and the ten nearest wifi links become unusable) and handle fairly 
large bandwidth (surveillence camera footage) on-demand.

The devices on the network should be individually addressable by
each other; a vending machine that gets a bump/tilt input (and may
be under attack by vandals or thieves) or a failed-sale detection 
(machine failed to distribute merchandise) should be able to notify 
a security-camera unit to look at it and record what's going on in 
real-time, whether or not either can access the larger internet 
at that moment.

It should be "reasonably" secure that random members of the public
don't get access to it, but should allow restricted access by 
people with keys (police, store owners and mall security for 
example will want access to the recorded data and video footage).  
The Internet gateways should have a different key (ie, even the 
cops don't get to surf through my network to locations outside 
of it), but the machines should be able to upload their data 
to my central server through the internet so I know which ones 
need restocked or repaired, etc, before I set out in the morning.

I'm willing to spend a couple hundred dollars and do a bit of 
electronic assembly for each machine, and I have off-the-shelf 
hardware and software that collects and, for now, just stores 
most of the data I'm interested in networking -- bump/tilt 
sensors, security cameras, sale/inventory reports, etc. I'm a 
reasonably competent linux sysadmin with skills from a
computer-programming career that I'm leaving behind, but never 
dealt with mesh networking professionally. 

What hardware, software, or protocols would you recommend for 
this application?


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