On 7/12/10 5:34 PM, Tony Arcieri wrote:
> In the wake of WikiLeaks and being a P2P-type oriented person I can't
> help but think of ways the DNS registry can be decentralized.

Some of us who've built resiliant designs in the past have been there, 
and I'd suggest there is a better path:

         Bypass the DNS.  Work with IP#s directly.

What this typically means is

   a. servers have to publish their vital statistics to include a list 
of DNS names & IP#s,
   b. the client has to be resiliant to fall back through that list and 
try different IP#s.
   c. the distribution of the lists by each server has to be resiliant too.

This is what we designed and built into Ricardo (distributed cash 
system).  Scuttlebut confirms others trampled the same path:  I'm pretty 
sure that Digicash did something similar, Z might be able to confirm. 
Also, Skype.

Not only does this help when attacked, it is also used for general 
server migration.

Bottom line:  don't get flustered about DNS;  do it within the application.


PS: apps don't care about names or numbers, only humans get flustered 
about it.  DNS is for humans, not apps.
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