On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 10:48:03AM +1100,
 Ian G <i...@iang.org> wrote 
 a message of 39 lines which said:

> I'd suggest there is a better path:
>          Bypass the DNS.  Work with IP#s directly.

Remember that what DNS buys is *not* user-friendly names (even if they
are nice), it is stability. IP addresses change much more
frequently. Today, my blog is hosted at Slicehost, tomorrow, it will
be at OVH and the IP address will be different while
www.bortzmeyer.org will still work.

Any solution which pretend to replace the DNS must address this
issue. Or state clearly that it implies PI addresses.

>    b. the client has to be resiliant to fall back through that list and 
> try different IP#s.

How the client will know it has reached the right one? Of course, if
one address yields "No route to host", you know it was not the right
one. But if it reached a target, how do you know it is the right one,
if the IP address was reallocated.

> PS: apps don't care about names or numbers, only humans get
> flustered about it.  DNS is for humans, not apps.

Completely wrong. If cron does a 'wget
'code.google.com' is not here for the pleasure of humans but to be
sure we go to the sam place, even if Google decides to change its
hosting system.
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