>> On 01/23/2011 12:25 PM, Julian Cain wrote:
>>>>> Of course, we do it in RELOAD(p2psip-base) and it works very well.
>>>> How well is "very well"?  If you don't mind sharing, what's the largest
>>>> real-world RELOAD deployment, and what fraction of nodes that attempted
>>>> to establish a direct connection were in fact able to do so?  (Based on
>>>> hard data from live testing, not estimates.)  I haven't followed p2psip
>>>> for a couple years, I'm eager to hear how it's progressed!
>>> You can find out yourself this year at IETF. We'll be performing 
>>> demonstrations, etc.
>> Hm, do you mean it hasn't really been tested yet at scale, but will
>> start large-scale testing later this year?
>> If so, by "it works very well" do you actually mean "I hope it'll work
>> really well, but we haven't actually tested it yet"?
> It's tested and works very well. There are some open source implementations 
> and many closed ones.

Ok, so it's been tested and works very well, good. Can you quantify or 
support this statement in any way?  Do you have any data whatsoever from 
this testing to share?

Basically, is there any open-source implementation of P2P-SIP that has 
been tested on >1000 real world nodes (not PlanetLab, not just 
universities -- actual DSL and home connections) in such a way that 
actually measured the success rate of direct connectivity?

If not, why not, and when?

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