About your previous mail: I checked the definition of clustering coefficient, that of a chord vertex is 3/(n-2) (for a 2^n node ring), and it's the same for every vertex, so the overall clustering coefficient is not high when n is moderately large.

The definition of small-world is indeed clustering and short path.

Well, the network defined by Kleinberg falls into the category of "scale-free networks". In such networks there are a few nodes that connect to abundant other nodes. Following the power law distribution of degrees is one way to construct scale-free networks, which are also small-world networks. But there could be scale-free networks that are not small worlds. (E.g, two star networks connected at the centers, here the clustering coefficient is 0 because there's no triangle)

On the other hand, a very famous illustration of a small world is a regular lattice with a few extra, randomly chosen edges. This does not conform the power law distribution of edges and there's no supernode, but it's a small world.

Am I going too far from the point? Better turn around here...

The scale-free networks seem quite appealing as performance and scalability are concerned, and it's simpler to guarantee short paths with powerful supernodes. Many P2P applications such as Gia (Making Gnutella-like P2P Systems Scalable, Sigcomm'03) introduce such supernodes to improve the scalability. But it seems harder, to build scalable networks with more or less the same number of edges for each node (this could be realistic when edges are interpreted as connections, rather than links/routing information), because at such time the supernodes are no where to be found.

I think some work could be done here... what do you suggest?

Ranus Yue
Tsinghua University

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 代表 Michael Rogers
发送时间: 2006年3月8日 16:36
收件人: Peer-to-peer development.
主题: Re: [p2p-hackers] clustering

Gary Jefferson wrote:
> Just a general question for the list: DHTs don't exhibit small-world
> characteristics, at least not in the overlay network view of things,
> right?

That depends on your definition of 'small world'. Most people take it to mean short paths and high clustering, but as far as I know the Freenet work uses a more specific definition due to Jon Kleinberg: a graph is a small world if it can be embedded in a metric space such that the length of the edges follows a power law distribution, where the magnitude of the power law exponent is equal to the number of dimensions in the metric space[1]. Kleinberg showed that greedy routing in such a graph is efficient, but if the power law exponent has any other value then greedy routing is inefficient[2,3]. However, it's also possible that the length distribution doesn't follow a power law at all (eg Chord, where the length distribution is exponential and greedy routing is efficient).

Most DHTs aren't small worlds in the sense used in the Freenet work; Symphony[4] is an exception.


[2] http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/nat00.pdf
[3] http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/swn.pdf
[4] http://www-db.stanford.edu/~bawa/Pub/symphony.pdf
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