
The P5EEx::Blue prototype area is ready for alpha users.
That is, it is genuinely useful for the following tasks:

  * read-only RDBMS (DBI) reporting application

If there is anyone interested in downloading, installing, and
configuring this for use, I will be happy to work with you
and get feedback.

Ultimately, I hope to get developers interested in commenting
on the architecture and contributing to the development.

The next feature to be added is update capability (add 
Data Maintenance capabilities on top of Reporting capabilities).

A demo of these capabilities can be seen via the new Demos
page at


The demo is a CGI application (p5x) that maintains its state
via an HTML hidden variable (MIME'd, compressed, frozen Storable).
Take a look.

It is only an early demonstration of capabilities.
However, it demonstrates the P5EEx::Blue framework.

I think the best thing about P5EEx::Blue is that it takes
every issue which is highly controversial and begins to 
define abstract interfaces behind which any number of 
interfaces can be supported. (TemplateEngine, Repository,
Session, etc.)  These pluggable implementations are called
P5EE Services.

Constructive feedback is welcome.


P.S. It does introduce a new UI paradigm called Widgets,
whereas the reigning conventional wisdom in web development is
that templates are the way to go.  In the Widget view, a
Template could be wrapped in a Widget or Widgets embedded in
a Template.  I have tried to create a framework which provides
the most possible benefit to the widest audience, even those
audiences which don't buy in completely to the P5EE approach
(or who are migrating code from an old approach).

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