Hello Everyone, 

So I was using PF since some time turn run the NAC on my switches but now I am 
trying to set up the PKI, with SCEP that would provide Intune certs so users 
can use them for Radius WiF

Sadly I got stuck and I don’t know what am I doing wrong

I got a CA on PFPKI, a SCEP profile, I can run a request via SSCEP, that one 
runs and pops out a cert.
I got the Intune integration setup with a app registered, the app has the 
permissions as per documentation

I added the CA as a RootCA via intune, this works correctly and now is the part 
that I cant work out.
I cant make a SCEP request work.

Only error I get in windows is SCEP: Certificate enroll failed. Result: 
(Internal server error (500).). Event ID is 32. 

Would appreciate any help with this 


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