
We are currently doing only wired 802.1x & MAC auth, the server config is

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2407 v2 @ 2.40GHz
16GB RAM (Free RAM - 8GB)
Running Debian X64.

Also, I would like to disable the packetfence-fingerbank-collector from
monit config as it is generating too many zombie processes alerts, I guess
the monit config is managed by pfcmd geenratemonitconfig but I dunno how to
disable specifically fingerbank-collector.


On Sat, 9 Apr 2022 at 00:23, Zammit, Ludovic <luza...@akamai.com> wrote:

> Hello Misbah,
> I highly doubt that you would cap a cluster capacity with only 250 devices
> registered.
> You have an ongoing issue that need to be fixed.
> What’s the spec on the PF servers? Are you doing 802.1x or Mac
> authentication ? Wired ? Wireless?
> We have cluster of 3 running 10 000 unique radius authentication without
> choking.
> Thanks,
> *Ludovic Zammit*
> *Product Support Engineer Principal*
> *Cell:* +1.613.670.8432
> Akamai Technologies - Inverse
> 145 Broadway
> Cambridge, MA 02142
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> On Apr 7, 2022, at 4:18 AM, Misbah Hussaini via PacketFence-users <
> packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> Firstly, I'm happy with the way Packetfence is working in the environment.
> A big thanks to the team for the project and awesome documentation. I have
> configured Packetfence in a 3 node cluster and registered 250+ devices so
> far.
> I faced a problem with the radius server reaching the max connections
> limit and most of the users were disconnected while I fixed the problem
> (had to increase the max spare servers to a high value in radius.conf). I
> was optimistic with the cluster setup, thinking I should not be facing
> downtime issues but didn't realize that a config issue could lead to a
> blackout.
> Now, this leads me to wonder if there is a way in which I could have
> decreased the downtime for the end users while we fixed the problem in the
> config. Also, I would appreciate highlighting any other Production related
> settings that need to be fine tuned to avoid such instances in future..
> Regards
> Misbah
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