At 12:00am -0700 00-05-16, Palm Developer Forum digest wrote:
>Subject: Re: Detecting a graffiti tap - solution?
>From: David Fedor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 11:46:09 -0700
>X-Message-Number: 25
>  >Here's the question, though: I reliably get a nil event on a single tap
>  >in the graffiti area with each OS I've tried (3.1 through 3.5), but is
>  >this an undocumented side effect or a "real" occurrence I can rely on?

You'll get a penDownEvent in your event loop when the user taps in 
the Graffiti (unless I'm missing something) the problem is 
how to determine the location of the tap, before calling 

To do this you can use the EvtGetSilkscreenAreaList trap on 3.5 ROMs. 
Prior to that, the Graffiti areas were always hard-coded, though in 
different locations depending on whether it was a Latin device or a 
Japanese device. I believe the bounds were:

Latin -
        top     164
        left    27
        height  56
        width   62 (alpha), 44 (numeric)

Japanese -
        top     164
        left    44
        height  56
        width   50 (alpha), 48 (numeric)

-- Ken

Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200

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