At 12:00am -0700 00-05-29, Palm Developer Forum digest wrote:
>Subject: Re: bitmaps
>From: "gaurav palvia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 11:04:07 +0530
>X-Message-Number: 29
>Thnax a lot Ken for ur detailed response i will be highly thankul if u clear
>a few more doubts regarding bitmaps.
>1.i have downloaded those 4 files from your ftp site.but can u explain me
>what they they do some type of conversions.i have gone thru those
>files but could not to use them

They show how to convert a regular bitmap to a compressed bitmap (1 
bit-per-pixel only, though). As such, I thought they might be useful 
as a demonstration of how to dynamically create bitmaps.

> palm os 3.0 the bitmap depth can be 1 bit or 2 bit am i right.

Yes, i believe so. Check out this knowledge base article for more info:


>can it be
>more then that say 4 bit ,24 bit.i have read the description of
>scrDisplayMode and i m bit confused

I believe that on certain devices using the 68EZ328 processor, with 
Palm OS 3.1 or later, 4 bits-per-pixel is supported. On the Palm 
IIIc, with Palm OS 3.5, 8 bits-per-pixel is supported. Currently 
there is no support for 16 or 24 bpp.

>3.can i create a bitmap  in the palm without using the resources functions
>like FrmNewBitmap and without using any bitmap resource.i want to display
>them it possible

Yes, though you'll have to do some hacking to get it to work on older 
ROMs (pre-3.5) which don't support the BmpCreate() routine found in 
Bitmap.h. I believe there was a Handheld Systems Journal article 
about dynamically creating bitmaps, written by Alan Weiner 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that would give you the information you need. I don't 
know if it's available on-line any longer, though.

-- Ken

Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200

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