Since the T# has long been discontinued it can hardly be considered relevant.  
I think your efforts should be concentrated on the E2 and Treo units; at least 
they are still in production.

Lee Church

-----Original Message-----
From: %%email.bounce%@ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dr. S.L. Sanders
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 3:33 PM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Is the T3 still relevant?

Is the T3 still relevant?

A while ago (Jan. 25, '08), I posted "PalmPhotoDisplayImage() fails on T3 
deviceā€¦", hoping for ideas for more experiments toward solving a problem of 
all-white images in T3's landscape orientation. 

I formatted my posting as a complete (but minimal) test program that 
demonstrates the failure, beginning with a comment describing the problem and 
my efforts to solve it.

I've seen the all-white landscape image problem only on T3 hardware, and only 
when the display is in landscape orientation. Everything is fine in portrait 
orientation. There is no problem on  any simulator, whether T3sim or T5sim, 
debug or release. The problem isn't in the T3's hardware, because it doesn't 
occur when an older library (JpegLibPalm) is used. I don't have T5 hardware, so 
I haven't tried it there.

To add to my bafflement: Today (by accident), I discovered that 
PalmPhotoDisplayImage can be forced to produce (silently) all-white images on 
the T3 simulator -- regardless of display orientation -- simply by omitting 
PhotoConvert.prc from the Autoload directory. This suggests that the 
PalmPhotoDisplayImage may be not be using properly PhotoConvert when the T3 
hardware's display is in landscape orientation. (But if that's the case, why 
wouldn't it fail the same way in portrait orientation?)

I haven't yet received any response to my January 25 posting, which seems 
unusual in this forum. Could it be that the T3 is no longer relevant? I'm 
trying to program my product to run on T3 and newer devices. I use a T3 every 
day, but maybe there's no longer a market for new programs that will run on 

I'd be grateful for any response, either to my Jan. 25 posting or to this one. 
It would help to know whether the all-white image in T3's landscape mode is a 
known bug in PalmPhotoDisplayImage, or something that I should continue trying 
to overcome.

Thanks for your time and help.
Dr. S.L. Sanders 2008feb07(16:34EST)

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