On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Tom Zerucha wrote:

> When you compare the two technologically, they must be pushing it to
> sell them at $500, while Palm has various devices starting at 1/3 the
> price.

You cannot compare a $500 PocketPC with a 1/3 price b/w machine.
> Remembering back to the late '80s, the Amiga was more advance than the
> Atari, which was arguably better than the Mac, and all used the 68000
> chip which blew away the silly 286 on the IBM PC.

> Which chip won?

Again, you are making a flase comparrison.  The IBM chipset did not win
because of the processor.  It won because of compainies like
MicroSoft.  And consider who developed the PocketPC OS (MicroSoft).

Everyone is making a serious mistake if the discount MicroSoft and the
PocketPC.  A year ago Palm had 90+ % of the market share.  Now it it
75%.  What will it be next year and the year after that.
I don't care what you say or think but users are demanding Color and
Sound.  Sooner or later the prices of these PocketPCs will drop to where
they are easily affordable to all.  At $150 Palm is already at rock
bottom pricing.  The PocketPC is at $500 and will drop.

Palm developers (read PDA developers) are starting to realize that there
is a market waiting to be tapped and beginning to develope apps for
WinCE also (not instead of).  It's just another market.  That being the
case, more and more applications will start to appear.

If palm does not realize this, they are doomed the fate of Atari.

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